Failed to save printer settings, operation not supported.

I encountered a strange error when trying to change the network printer settings, or change the driver.

Failed to save printer settings.
This operation is not supported.

Printer settings could not be saved.
This operation is not supported.

Similarly, it does not allow changing the printer port settings:

An error occurred during port configuration.
This operation is not supported.

It also fails to change printer settings from the command line or PowerShell.

It turns out that in order to change the printer settings, you do not need to delete it, but just disable sharing on it. After that, set new settings and then turn sharing back on.

You can enable disable sharing ( Share this printer ) on the printer in the printer properties on the Share tab or using the PowerShell cmdlet Set-Printer:

Set-Printer -Name "printer name" -Shared $True|$False -ShareName "share name"

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